domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Washington, DC - At 11:30 a.m. President Barack H. Obama and Vice-Chairman Joseph R. Biden, Jr., elected in the United States, will head the traditional ceremony of swearing, which is expected participation of about 104 groups in the parade, and more than 10 thousand people from 50 states to follow the President and Vice President of the Capitol the route of 1.5 miles of Pennsylvania Avenue. Music and cultural groups will join representatives of the Armed Forces in the historic parade. The program issued by the PIC on the National Mall includes the participation of the Marine Band of the United States, the Boys and Girls Choir of San Francisco, welcoming remarks by Senator Dianne Feinstein, an invocation by Dr. Rick Warren, the music of Aretha Franklin followed by the swearing in of the Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden by the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, H. John Paul Stevens.

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